RadicalMath empowers educators to address issues of social and racial justice in math classrooms. RM is a hub for curriculum, resources, and professional development opportunities.
"The most urgent social issue affecting poor people and people of color is economic access... [and that] depends crucially on math and science literacy."
- Bob Moses, Radical Equations
RadicalMath.org was launched in April 2006 by Jonathan Osler. Many of the early RadicalMath collaborators then founded the Creating Balance in an Unjust World conference on math and social justice which has taken place every few years since. Jonathan stopped updating RadicalMath in late 2007, although it continued to serve as one of the primary hubs for educators seeking resources on integrating issues of social and racial justice into their math classes.
RadicalMath.org was relaunched in 2021.
Jonathan Osler began his teaching career at El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice in Brooklyn, NY on September 11, 2001. There he authored and co-created dozens of math units that integrated issues of social and racial justice, launching RadicalMath as a hub for math educators worldwide to access and share similar resources.
Since then Jonathan has served as a math coach, high school principal, teacher educator at the undergraduate and graduate level, and has led several educational nonprofits. He's also been deeply involved in organizing other white parents to advance educational equity in Oakland, CA in partnership with people of color-led organizations. Jonathan has helped raise tens of millions of dollars for educational programs, is a published author, and remains active developing racial justice-centered math curriculum.
Benefits for StudentsRecognize the power of mathematics as an essential tool to critically analyze the world around them and create change, rather than merely regard math as a collection of disconnected rules to be memorized and regurgitated. Engage in high-level thinking about big mathematical ideas Deepen their understanding of social and racial justice issues on local and global scales Understand their power to build a just, democratic society Become more motivated to learn math Engage in authentic (not just theoretical) community problem-solving projects Answer this question for themselves: "Why do I have to know this?"
Benefits for EducatorsDifferentiate their curriculum more easily Create interdisciplinary units and partnerships Learn about their students lives, families and communities Assess learning in a contextualized, holistic manner Build deeper relationships with students